The Fuck You guide to piracy

This is not a step by step guide, more of a “stop fucking paying egregious prices, save your damn money with these alternatives”.

Gabe Newell put it best, piracy is a service problem…

The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It’s by giving those people a service that’s better than what they’re receiving from the pirates

but in this day and age, the quality of a service is closely tied to the price you’re paying for that service. So if you can get that same or similar quality for free, do it. Before you think you should feel bad or that you’re robbing some big corporation, recognize that if you’re reading this than you’re the one person in a room full of a thousand people who will go to the effort to circumvent price gouging, shitty DRM, and unlock more for yourself. Let the other nine hundred and ninety nine suckers keep paying. Fuck ’em.


Enjoy it without the ads and without paying premium.

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Google, despite driving some of the biggest innovation on it are also some of the biggest assholes on the net.

On Desktop (Windows/Mac)

Go utilize Firefox, yeah it’s that browser that your grandad uses, but it’s built by a foundation that passionate people that give a fuck about making the internet better.

Then get yourself the uBlock Origin extension for adblocking. Again, community maintained by people who give a fuck.

On Android

Get onto the Revanced Project, get the patcher, and patch your youtube version to remove ads. Easy as that.

On iOS

Follow these guides closely

More to come when I feel like it.