Social Media Fucking Sucks

Something I tell people at the wrestling school I attend:

by default, social media fucking sucks. i think more people should turn off allowing comments from accounts they don’t follow, on any platform.

disable seeing reaction counts, mute people you’re not interested in hearing from (though you can still follow them i guess so they can get some semblance of connection or to avoid the “why did you unfriend me” accusation), and just straight up block people who you don’t like or who want to spam you.

everyone on my lists on any platform are either people i like or i can vouch for.

no unknowns, no assholes, just good people. 🙂 (so chances are if you like me, you’ll like them too).

If you’re not pissing people off in an effort to draw them to a show so they can see you get beat up, then why engage with them at all?