Small thought: On going to the beach in the 20s v 90s/00s

Interesting thing I’m not sure most people have considered: The advent of bluetooth means that going to the beach produces a rather unpleasant experience where multiple families have large bluetooth speakers each blasting different genres of music. Today we went and we’re stuck between a large islander family playing Rasta, and another white australian family playing what I can only describe as “Thrash Rap”, like if thrash metal met rap.

My partner from the US calls them boom boxes still, but I read someone else online call them ghetto blasters. I think “ghetto blaster” is a pretty rad name, and it makes me want to create a wrestling move so that should I ever forget a sequence in the ring I could just loudly exclaim “FUCK IT, GHETTO BLASTER” before landing a power kick or an elbow to my opponents head.